Don’t I look pretty in my white pleated skirt and bright red blouse? Did you notice I am wearing stockings? You must have because I caught you looking in the mirror and peeking up my skirt. You saw my flowery red bikini panties under my red vintage girdle. I lift my skirt, ever so slowly until you can see my girdle, panties and stockings. Then I do it again from behind so you get a good view of my panties through my tight girdle as I bend over for you with skirt hiked all the way up. I tease you as I slowly unbutton my blouse, because I want you to jerk off with the anticipation of seeing my very large breasts. I love showing off my tits. But first, I want you to see my red circle stitch bullet bra that my tits are overflowing. I parade around in my bra, girdle, panties, stockings, and sexy pumps. I slowly unhook my bra strap and turn to reveal my titties for you. You better be stroking your cock now. Now I squat down so you can see my wide panty crotch under my girdle before I slowly strip down to my panties. I am topless, with my girdle and stockings pulled down around my knees and I give you a hot panty show from front and back until finally my panties are pulled down around my knees and I show you my pussy up close with my panties and girdle stretched between my knees. Totally available for your pleasure.
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girdle · stockings
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