Abi and Judy Lesbian Stocking Sex Gets Sleazy
And I do mean sleazy….in the best possible way of course. Judy and I have wound ourselves up into a sexual frenzy. I love fucking Judy so much I just lose control. Feeling her big, perfect boobs is such a turn on. [..]
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Abi and the Eggplant
My good friend Lauren and I were having a girl’s talk on the phone recently and she told me that one of her favorite things to masturbate with was a really large eggplant…also called aubergines. Well that got me [..]
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Dirty Miss Abi and The Lucky Plumber
I really needed my pipes fixed. I tried everything to clear my drains, so what’s a girl to do? Call the plumber. I walked into the kitchen, feeling pretty sexy in my hot dress, stockings, knee high boots, ultra [..]
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